Become a Member Please fill out the form below and someone from the Southeastern Advanced Machine Tools Network will be in touch to speak with you about joining the consortium. Organization Name*Organization TypeSelect OneAcademiaFederal LaboratoryIndustryNon-profitState or Local GovernmentPoint of Contact* First Name Last Name Title*Phone*Email* Interests of your organization in SEAMTN* Research Technology Development and Prototyping Technology Demonstration and Deployment Workforce Education and/or Training Student internships, co-ops, and/or hiring Is your organization currently a direct supplier to DoD, or has it been a direct supplier to DoD in the past?*Select OneYesNoIs your organization currently a supplier to another organization that is a direct supplier to DoD, or has it been such a supplier in the past?*Select OneYesNoDoD requires each Defense Manufacturing Community to provide a minimum of $1.25M cost share. Is your organization willing to discuss providing either cash and/or in-kind support (e.g., equipment, facilities, software, personnel expertise, etc.) toward this cost share requirement?*Select OneYesNo Δ